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Loan Category 4

The loan category 4 support file is used to configure loan products used to facilitate in the generation of Central bank of Madagascar report IMF 103.

Loan products under loan category 4 unlike categories 1,2, and 3 can be defined under different product levels e.g. ‘Créances sur l'étranger’ with code 1 as level 1, then ‘Produits agricoles’ with code 1.1 as level 2, then ‘Café’ (code 1.1.1), ‘Vanille’ (Code 1.1.2), ‘Girofle’ (Code 1.1.3) and ‘Autres produits agricoles’ (Code 1.1.4) as the lowest level as seen below.

How to configure loan products under loan category 4

To configure loan products under loan category 4 you go to Support Files/Loan Category 4 and the following screen appears:

The user should be able to enter this loan category at application and to update the loan category at menu Loans/Update User-defines Loan Categories as seen below:

Note that: The user should be able to select the loan category at loan application/loan Entry part 1 and to update the loan category at menu Loans/Update User-defines Loan Categories.

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